So for the past 6 weeks now, Matt and I have both been pretty
diligent about trying to lose weight. I prefer not to refer to it as a diet, but as more of a change of lifestyle. We've had pretty good results so far (check out our weight loss trackers on the sidebar), but I want it to come off more quickly. Of course I know what I need to do.....
exercise, but for some reason I just can't get myself back in the routine. This week Matt and I are on building security for our church, so we've been walking over there at night to lock up the building. It's not a very long walk, but at least it's some
exercise. We talked this morning about extending the walk and having the church be a stop on the walk, not the destination. I'm really hoping that this will help us get in the habit and now that the weather is warming up that we can start going for a walk every night.
I decided this morning that I need to blog about our weight loss journey to help my motivation. Somehow it feels if others know what you are doing, you are more
accountable for your choices. I don't like to fail, but weight loss seems to be one of those areas where I have been lately. Anyways any support and
cheer leading is
definitely appreciated. I'll be updating our weight loss trackers every Monday morning so you can follow us along on our journey.