It's quite an interesting experience for sure. We started out with a tour of the maximum security and death row cells. These guys are locked down for 23 hours a day and their "yard" is a concrete box outside. This definetely is not the kind of life I'd like to live. Then we went to the execution chamber and saw the table where they do the lethal injections and also saw the set up for the firing squad.
Next we went out to one of the other buildings were the prison looked more like what you see on the tv shows. Four stories of nothing but cell doors. That experience was pretty intimidating and the prisoners were less than 5 feet away and of course they were acting up because they felt like they were on display.
All in all it was a very fun day, that ended with a demonstration of the SWAT team's dog. Those dogs are amazing!!
What an interesting/intimidating experience! It's nice that they let you take a picture with one of the inmates!
Wow, that would be interesting, yet kinda creepy at the same time. Especially the execution chamber. And I loved Celeste's comment about getting your pic with the inmate....I'm still laughing about it 10 min later...I hope Matt shares our sense of humor.
Glad you enjoy my humor!!
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