The other day I was listening to the radio and they were talking about one of the Jazz players, Matt Harpring, and saying how he's getting old. Then they said he'll be turning 33! Excuse me! That's old?!?!? That's way too close to my age (28 & 11 months) to be calling someone old!!
Then today when I was driving back from lunch I noticed a fully grown in white hair! Please say it isn't so, I'm not ready to be old! I think I'll take on my Grandma Wagner's philosophy even though I might grow old, I'll never grow up.
Don't worry...I have been getting those hairs for a long time. Bright white and a much different texture than my regular hair. I will dye until I die!!!
LOL, it's about time. Remember you started pointing out my gray hair when I was a freshman in college?!?! Welcome to the gray hair club....let the highlighting begin!
Wow, I have lots to look forward to. Good thing I'm the young sister! Oh, well Miranda's got me on that one now I guess. I thought I had a chance. . . maybe not!
I am hoping that my blonde hair won't go gray too fast. Do blondes even go gray?
I can't feel too bad for you since I've been plucking gray hairs since 10th GRADE! I distinctly remember the first gray hair showing up at Sophmomore homecoming. Darn Wagner genes. But, I like grandma's philosophy.
Thank you for this post. Period.
Ya it hurts even worse when it's your daughter who is the one who is OLD!
I should warn you in advance, when I get to SL, I"ll be coming in "full glory". Yep I grew out the hair dye, it's all grey! It's really a slap in the face to myself each time I look in the mirror!
I want the color of my hair to bother me LESS, and what I need to do to become who it is I want to be "when I grow up" to bother me more!
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