If you answered that all the cabinet doors are missing, you are correct. What I thought was going to be a very simple project of replacing the hinges that had been completely painted over has taken on a life of it's own. As I was taking off the doors I started noticing how dirty they were. At first I thought I would just clean them up and call it good. But then when I went to install one of the new hinges on the cupboard, I realized that the hinges weren't exactly the same size and the paint was built up so much around the old ones that I'm going to have to sand that down and at least paint there. So I guess I might as well paint the doors......
Should we take bets on how long I'm without cabinet doors??
Wow, Em, that is going to be a big project....I'm guessing you'll be lucky to have your cabinet doors back up by next conference weekend :)
I don't know she's pretty driven right now, they may be up soon! Remember how much better that basement bathroom looked after we painted the cabinet on the sink? Ya it's worth it, Hmmmm maybe Matt will cook while you sand and paint. LOL How many doors is that?
I'm a little late in getting my bet in, but I'd say it takes you about 2 weeks to do it and then a couple of days to blog about it :)
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